What You Can Do When Other Adults Provide Alcohol or Marijuana To Minors
As a parent, you have the most influence on whether or not your child drinks or uses other drugs. By choosing not to provide alcohol or marijuana to your child, you are in the majority of Northland parents.
Unfortunately, there is still a small percentage of parents who provide alcohol or marijuana or allow underage drinking or drug use on their property. It can be a frustrating and confusing situation to navigate if you learn of an adult condoning and enabling these risky behaviors.
When you learn information or details about underage drinking or marijuana use, the best thing to do is to take direct action:
- Call law enforcement at their non-emergency number,
- Contact the adult directly, and
- Notify your school or other parents.
We understand that it can be difficult to confront other adults directly. Also, if you find out about the incident after the fact, it may be too late for law enforcement or the school to take action.
Mail a Parent Warning Letter
If calling law enforcement or reaching out directly are not the best options for you, you can take action by printing and mailing one of our anonymous Parent Warning Letters.
The Parent Warning Letter:
- Informs the adult that it is known they might have knowingly provided alcohol or marijuana to youth.
- Explains the risks and dangers of underage drinking or youth marijuana use
- Asks that they stop condoning underage drinking and youth marijuana use immediately.
How To Send a Parent Warning Letter:
- Download the Alcohol Parent Up Warning Letter or the Marijuana Parent Up Warning Letter.
- In order to remain anonymous, do not sign your name on the letter. Send as a “concerned neighbor”, “concerned parent” or “community member.”
- Mail the letter without your return address.
Parent Warning Letter
for Marijuana
*Parent Up encourages you to send the letter at your own risk and provide law enforcement with relevant details as you see necessary. Do not sign your name on the letter or include your return address if you wish to remain anonymous.